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McGraw-Hill Education

Analysis of their latest moves, finances, and strategy.


  • Appendix: The Industry Response

    Most of the leading publishers strengthened their digital and data analytics offerings in 2019, and have continued to do so into 2020.

  • Q&A: Cengage/McGraw-Hill Merger, One Year and Counting

    It's been a year since publishing giants Cengage and McGraw-Hill announced plans to merge. After facing mounting opposition, the merger is still pending regulatory approval. We provide an update on where things stand and what it means for higher education.

  • SPARC Urges Department of Justice to Block Merger Between Cengage and McGraw-Hill

    SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) submitted a detailed filing to the U.S. Department of Justice urging federal antitrust enforcers to block the proposed merger between college textbook publishing giants Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education. The merger would create the largest publisher of college course materials in the United States and the world’s second largest education publisher overall.

  • Q&A: Cengage/McGraw-Hill Merger

    As opposition mounts to the merger between two of the largest textbook publishers, SPARC has answers to common questions and an update on what we're doing to stop it.

  • Education Companies: McGraw-Hill Education

    McGraw-Hill is owned by Apollo, a private equity company. Apollo has hoped for a long time to IPO the business to exit the investment. The company exited the assessment business in 2015, effectively going in the opposite direction of Pearson.